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Theland Whole Milk Powder (1000g Sachet)

AQ 보증으로 검증된 제품 특성

  • NZ lower carbon footprint milk supply
  • Milk sourced from NZ farms
  • Made from 100% raw milk
  • Free range cows

This product is made in New Zealand.

Nz Full

Milk is only sourced from cows in New Zealand.

The cows live outside on paddocks throughout the year, roaming freely under New Zealand’s typical 2,000 annual sunshine hours.

Cows graze on fresh pasture as their primary food source. To ensure that their nutritional needs are met, the cows are provided with supplementary feed during winter and poor weather conditions.

Dairy farming practices in New Zealand varies depending on region and season, as climate factors influences grass nutrition and growth.

To ensure efficient use of farmland and continuous supply of pasture, fields are rotated regularly with cow herds being allocated to a specific paddock during each rotation.

In New Zealand, over the entire dairy season there is on average approximately 1 hectare of farmland for every 2-3 cows. With farm rotation, at any given time the cow-to-field density will vary depending on local farming practices, seasonality, weather conditions and cow's natural inclination to form groups as a herd animal.


The cows are typically milked a maximum of twice a day during the peak dairy season, reducing to once a day in the lower season.

Theland Supply Chain

Select into any part of the supply chain to view the verified activities and assurances at each step, from the farm to the glass.

The Farm

Farm Assurances

• All milk supplying farms have a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) audited Risk Management Programme (RMP) to ensure quality of milk is maintained.

• Health checks are regularly undertaken on cows and their milk.

• Any infected or unhealthy animals are separated from the herd and their milk is withheld until the animal is healthy.

• Water that comes into contact with the milking process is tested at an accredited laboratory to ensure safety and quality.

• Milk is tested for harmful bacteria, chemical residues and contaminants at a recognised laboratory.

• Milk is cooled immediately to 4-7 degrees Celsius and stored on the farm awaiting collection.

• All tankers have an automatic computer-controlled milk sampling system on board.

The Factory

Factory Assurances

• Samples of milk are taken on arrival at the factory and tested before the tanker is emptied.

• Milk is not accepted by the dairy factory if the temperature, flavour or colour is not to the required specification.

• The milk processing plant is registered for a Risk Management Programme as required by the Animal Products Act 1999

• The factory is listed as a registered Exporter with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)

• Factory processes are regularly independently audited to ensure Risk Management Plan (RMP) requirements are being maintained.

• All product units are individually coded with the batch number, time, manufacturing date and expiry for traceability.

• The product is tested using both in-house (factory) and external laboratories throughout the process.

• Final product testing ensures compliance.

• Once all laboratory tests have been completed and passed, New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries issues a health certificate, making it eligible for sale.


Transport Assurances

The transport company that makes this delivery must have a current New Zealand for Primary Industries (MPI) Risk Management Plan (RMP) before it can freight any dairy products, as per the Animal products Act, 1999


New Zealand and China have a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) signed between the People’s Republic of China and New Zealand in 2008, the first free trade agreement that China has signed with any developed country.

The shipping company must ensure that the products are accompanied by all EAD (export accompanied documents) that is required by the importing country, including:

• A NZ-China FTA Certificate of Origin, which is designed to give Assurance to China Customs that the product is produced in New Zealand and complies with the FTA with China

• Customs documents

• Health Certificates (are issued by the NZ Ministry of Primary Industries, to ensure the product complies with both the NZ Food Regulations and Chinese Government Requirements)

• Certificates of Analysis (contain actual laboratory results from chemical, microbial and physical tests)

• Any other documentation required by the importing country must be completed and approved before it can be loaded on-board (this includes import permits and registration with the General Administration of the Peoples Republic of China for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine AQSIQ)

The product is shipped to China and checked by China Customs on arrival. China Customs check the import documentation to confirm all requirements have been met and may test the product again prior to releasing it into the country.

Once cleared the product is sent to the warehouse.


• The product arrives at the warehouse, where they are managed using barcoding and traceability systems.

• No product leaves the warehouse until it receives a final quality check.

• Product is packed onto delivery trucks and distributed to individual shops, supermarkets and other customers.

• Retailers ensure that the product is fresh by using good stock rotation practices and checking the expiry dates before selling the product.

Theland’s New Zealand milk comes from cows that live outside on paddocks throughout the year.

Outdoor grazing is one factor that New Zealand dairy farmers leverage to achieve the world’s lowest carbon footprint for milk production. This is evidenced by international carbon benchmarking studies.

New Zealand’s dairy farmers are committed to ensuring that the dairy sector remains an efficient producer of low emissions milk by working to further reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced on farm.

Reduction targets for greenhouse emissions (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) are outlined within the New Zealand’s Government Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Act.

Mg 3583

The farms where the milk is sourced from comply with the environmental regulations prescribed by New Zealand's Regional Councils.

Theland Farm Whole Milk Powder is produced in compliance with New Zealand's Resource Management Act (2009), and local council Resource Management Plans, which set out rules and regulations around management of the New Zealand environment. These rules include:

• Disposing of waste in ways that prevent pollution
• Controlling manufacturing emissions to ensure air quality is maintained
• Using only approved chemicals in a way that will not harm the environment
• Operating within a safe distance of waterways to avoid erosion and protect water quality
• Nutrient management

Animal Welfare

All milk suppliers for Theland products meet the New Zealand Animal Welfare Standards.

The standards require animals to be allowed the following five freedoms:

  • Freedom to display normal patterns of behaviour
  • Freedom from thermal and physical discomfort
  • Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
  • Freedom from distress
  • Freedom from, or rapid treatment of, illness or injury


This product has been produced in accordance with Halal principles. Whole milk powder sourced is Halal certified.

Laboratory Tested for Safety & Quality

Theland whole milk powder products are laboratory tested for safety throughout the production process at independent and accredited laboratories. Testing is undertaken at each step from raw milk collection, during processing, and again upon completion of the final product. 

This testing regime also ensures all final products meet the nutritional descriptions on their label.

Tests ensure no harmful bacteria or other contaminants.

Produced Under New Zealand Government Regulations

New Zealand has Acts and Regulations in place to ensure all dairy products produced are safe for consumers and that manufacturers use fair and sustainable practices. All dairy products must comply with the Animal Products Act, 1999 and all milk suppliers must meet the New Zealand Animal Welfare standards.
These regulations include:
• No hormones or growth promotants are permitted
• All food safety hazards must be controlled using Codex based Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles
• All chemicals used on a manufacturing site must be approved by the New Zealand Government’s Ministry for Primary Industries
• Hygiene standards for facilities, equipment and people must be met
• That all producers, manufacturers, transporters, packing and storage facilities operate a Risk Management Programme

Meets Overseas Market Access Requirements 

• Theland whole milk powder meets the market access requirements of the countries to which it exports.


The factory environment where this product is made, processes and records are routinely audited in order to uphold their Risk Management Programme (RMP), Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practises (GMP), Halal certifications.
There are also unannounced customer and Ministry for Primary Industries audits conducted randomly to ensure compliance.

The 100% raw milk sourced from New Zealand is standardised according to CODEX regulations. 

Theland Farm Milk Powder contains no added colouring agents, sweeteners, thickening agents, gelatin, or preservatives.

This product contains 100% natural protein. Protein is important for the growth and repair of the body’s cells and for building muscle.

This product contains 100% natural milk calcium. Calcium plays an essential role in the development of healthy bones and teeth. 

Nutritional Information

Items Per serving (25g powder) NRV %
Energy 532kJ 6%
Protein 6.1g 10%
Fat 7.2g 12%
Carbohydrate 9.5g 3%
Sodium 70mg 4%
Calcium 227mg 28%